
What a Year!

Organizational News|

2019 was a big year for Spirit League (sports league for special needs athletes). Here are a few highlights: Celebrated 15-year Anniversary with largest basketball and soccer seasons ever Completed ...

Basketball Opening Weekend

Program Updates|

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You would have thought our athletes had been playing basketball together for weeks and not just one day! Coaches led their teams through drills then moved straight into games where ...

All Hands on Deck

Community Support|

What does a leading customer-relationship management firm, 135 jerseys and 160 MLB caps have in common? Spirit League baseball! Earlier this month, a crew of six from Salesforce in Irvine ...

Meet Fahad

Special Events|

Volunteers are the face of Spirit League. They lend their time, talent, support and voice to the League every week. Meet Fahad; he is a UCI student who coordinates an ...

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