As a non-profit, the Spirit League Program depends on the generous donations of families, foundations and local businesses. In 2018, we were humbled by the generosity of so many of our League families who donated each season (nearly 40% of families donated last year). A sincere thank you to the following foundations and businesses for their support of athletes with intellectual disabilities in 2018.
- Autism Speaks
- McBeth Foundation
- Captain’s Auction Warehouse
- Mitsubishi Electric Foundation and Dream Committee
- Ueberroth Family Foundation
- Sullivan Family
You made an impact! Your donations contributed towards moving athletes off the waiting lists and onto the fields, securing larger outdoor sports fields, providing 50 scholarships to athletes in need, relocating equipment storage, expanding game day staff, purchasing needed sports equipment, and so much more. On behalf of our athletes, volunteers, Board and staff, thank you for making an impact in 2018.