Angels Little League Day


Current Adult League, Division I & Division 2 baseball athletes with their families are invited to join Spirit League on Sunday, June 8, as the Angels face the Seattle Mariners in Anaheim!

This fantastic day at the park includes a pre-game parade out on the field where the pros play! We’ll march around the warning track with our Spirit League banner and Spirit League Jerseys or Spirit Wear on. We’ll bring enthusiasm to our seating section for the game, where your Spirit League family will be seated all together. Expect to have a fabulous time with your fellow teammates and league family and friends!

Game time on June 8th is 1:07 pm. We’ll soon have more details about where and when to meet for the pre-game parade and to collect your tickets! Spirit League will have a select group of staff and coaches on hand to help support athletes and assist with navigating the stadium parade and bringing them to their parents in your seats. If your athlete has 1:1 support during Spirit League games please plan on having a guardian available to assist them during the parade. Parade passes will be available for athletes 1:1’s. Please make sure you indicate this on the registration.


To join the parade, purchase your game tickets through the registration/payment links below.  We will be seated together in great field-level seats available for just $40 (normally $65).  Once you complete your purchase, Spirit League will disperse those tickets to families on game day and give your Spirit League athlete(s) additional parade passes.  Parade passes are free of charge. It’s not required to attend the parade to catch the game with us, but we hope you’ll suit up for it as it promises to be a truly special time for our athletes!